Monday, June 24, 2024


STICKY DATE PUDDING WITH TOFFEE SAUCE- A British originated dessert also known as sticky toffee pudding because of the sweet buttery toffee sauce. The original Sticky Toffee Pudding recipe is thought to have been produced by Francis Coulson at Sharrow Bay in the Lake District in the 1970.

It is a wonderful combination of gooey caramel and squidgy chopped dates. It is a moist dates -based sponge cake fully covered with toffee sauce, very popular dessert in Australia and New Zealand.  

Perfect English Sticky Toffee Pudding | Recipe | Toffee pudding, Sticky toffee  pudding, Christmas baking recipes

 It’s an easy dish to make and one that would appeal to any sweet tooth also perfect energy boosting snack. Traditionally sticky date pudding is served warm with lots of sauce and a scoop of vanilla ice-cream or vanilla custard on top which gives ultra rich and creamy contrast to a decadent dessert.


Baking can be done in conventional oven or in  Airfryer.  The cooking chamber of airfryer cooks at a high temperature. It uses radiated heat, which is quickly circulated around the food to cook it or bake it. This unique process causes the outside of the food to dry out extremely quick.


Dates are one of the richest source of fiber, iron, vitamins and antioxidants. having amazing health benefits and nutritious value. It can be eaten fresh, or in the dried form.  They are brain boosters and give your body an instant energy . There are variety of dates including:

  • Ajwa
  • Amber
  • kalmi
  • Safawi
  • Salabi
  • Barni
  • Rabee’ah
  • Mabroum
  • Halawy
  • Suqai
  • Sukkary
  • Shishi

And many more.

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What makes these sticky date puddings so good is definitely the butterscotch/ toffee sauce. It’s the easiest thing ever to make and you’ll be eating it straight from the jar with a spoon. In addition to it , the hot toffee sauce will melt your ice-cream, making everything so deliciously smooched together .

Let’s get started!

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cook time: 30–40 minutes

Cuisine: England



  • 100gm butter chopped
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 ½ cups dates chopped
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate  soda
  • 1 cup self-raising flour


  • 150 gms chopped butter
  • 1 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup thickened cream


Pre heat Airfryer or oven on 180 ˚C for 15 minutes.

Mix the dates and bicarbonate soda in a bowl. Pour over the boiling water and leave for 10 minutes.

In a food processor add the pitted dates mixture, 2 eggs, ¾ cup brown sugar,1 cup self-raising flour,chopped butter and blend it.

Now grease the moulds or pan with butter and pour the pudding mixture. Bake for about 30 minutes until firm to the touch.

Once baked stand for 10 minutes before turning out of the moulds.

To make the butterscotch sauce, place the butter and sugar in a medium saucepan over high heat and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

Gradually add the cream, stirring to combine. Bring to the boil and cook for 6–8 minutes or until thickened slightly. 

Now , take out pudding from moulds and drizzle the finger licking butterscotch sauce over it .


  • You can also use beater to beat all ingredients, Personally, I prefer food processor it’s less messier and consume less time.
  • Enjoy the sticky date pudding while its warm, it will taste divine.

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