Wednesday, June 26, 2024


korean Pancake- Pajeon or Pa Jun is a savory pancake made with scallions. Pa means scallion, and Jeon means pan-fried battered food. There are variety of Jun can be a side dish, snack, main dish, dessert, or drinking snacks.

Although Koreans eat similar foods all throughout the day. It is very common street food and works as a hearty snack, an appetizer, or a side dish to a Korean or Asian meal.

Jun can be made from almost anything. This includes meat, seafood, vegetables, and kimchi, and they are either coated with an egg, flour, or combination batter before they are pan-fried .

Korean Pancake – Scallions

Scallions have a milder taste than most onions.

This Korean scallion pancake recipe is easy to make and is always a big crowd-pleaser. It works as a hearty snack, an appetizer, or a side dish to a Korean or Asian meal.

This is a treat for scallion lovers. The key to making the best Korean scallion pancake is the batter to scallion ratio.The scallion should never be swimming in the batter but just be barely covered.

The tender scallions impart a fresh, mild bite without making the pancake too oniony, and the slightly sweet and savory dipping sauce is the perfect complement to the crispy, fried pancake.

How to Make Crispy Korean Pancake?

Few things to keep in mind to make scallion pancake slightly crispy on the outside and pillow-soft on the inside.

  • Drain the scallions well to remove excess water.
  • Use icy cold water to make the batter.
  • Keep the pan hot before pouring oil.
  • If you want extra crispy, use a generous amount of oil for deep-frying effect.

Dipping Sauce

The dipping sauce recipe for scallion pancake is Garlic-scallion soy dipping sauce. It has sharp and delicious garlic soy flavor. The hero of the sauce is tangy, salty soya sauce. It is easy to prepare and a versatile condiment. It is perfect to serve as Dipping Sauce with Scallion Pancakes.

How to make korean Pancakes?

Crispy on the outside , soft and pillowey on the inside- these savory korean scallion pancakes are very easy to make and doesn’t take much time .

Come on, let’s get started.

Preparation time: 20 Minutes
Cooking time: 15 Minutes


For Pa Jun:

  • 2 cups All-purpose flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 bunch of scallions
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1-2 cups of water (chilled)
  • 1/2 cup oil (for frying)

For Sauce:

  • 1/2 cup Soya sauce
  • 3-4 chopped garlic
  • 1tbsp chopped scallions
  • brown sugar (optional)
  • seasome seeds(optional)


  • Chop the scallions length wise, not to thin- atleast 2 -3 inches long.
  • In a bowl beat the eggs ,and add all the ingredients – flour, scallions, salt and ice old water and let it rest for about 10 minutes.
  • Make sure batter should be a little bit runnier than American pancake batter so that the pa jun cooks quickly and evenly.
  • Heat the pan first and than pour 2tbsp oil in it.
  • Now, pour the batter with a laddle and Cook for 3 minutes, until the edge of the pancake gets crispy and the bottom of the pancake is nice golden brown.
  • Flip and cook for another 3 minutes, pressing down the pancake with spatula occasionally, until the pancake is crispy and golden brown. Flip one last time and cook for 30 seconds.
  • Make all the panckes with the same way .
  • Transfer to a cutting board. Cut into small pieces and enjoy with the dipping sauce.

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